Monday, October 26, 2009

What Color Is Your Blood?

One aspect of being a woman that isn't discussed very often is: "What color is your blood?"
I am referring to their menstrual blood. Most women haven't got a clue and they don't realize that the color, viscosity and amount all reflects internal health or disharmony. Blood colors range from: light pink to orangey-red to cherry red to brownish-red to brown, purple and even black.
For instance, a woman whose cycle starts off brown, then changes to purple with plum-sized clots and eventually looking black will often have severe menstrual cramps that aren't relieved by NSAIDS or over-the-counter pain meds.

This woman has: Blood Stasis and Cold in the Uterus that is easily treated with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine by invigorating blood, alleviating pain and increasing warmth to her Conception Vessel.
Another woman starts off cherry red but her flow is out of control needing to be changed every hour. This patient has limited options for treatment from a western perspective including uterine ablation, an IUD or even a hysterectomy.

This woman has internal heat with Spleen not holding blood appropriately.

Both of these patterns are easily treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine and should be addressed.

What Color Should My Blood Be?

A healthy menstrual cycle ranges from 28-34 days in length. Ovulation occurs 14 days prior to menstruation starting. The blood should appear red from start to finish and there shouldn't be any clots or tissue. The flow can start out slow but there shouldn't be spotting. The quantity should be medium (not too little and not too much). A woman should have to change once every 4 hours and only once at night. There should be no pain or cramping. It's ok to feel a little tired but not excessively. When the blood flow ends it should be abrupt.

If a woman suffers from any of the symptoms above she should get her cycle regulated with Acupuncture and Herbal medicine. This will help prevent more debilitating or systemic imblances from developing like: infertility, severe pain, fibromyalgia, leaking and flooding, fibroids, cysts, and even more serious diseases that are caused from blood stasis.

Something to try: 1,200 mg of Meta EPO from Metagenics under "Buy Supplements" on

EPO or Evening Primrose Oil is a natural source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This helps balance hormones, maintain healthy fluidity and permiability of delicate cell membranes, supports neurologic tissue and healthy circulatory function decreasing clotting and pain.

Treatable Conditions with Acupuncture and Herbs

Unhealthy Blood Color & Viscosity
Leaking & Flooding
Irregular Cycles
Hormone Imbalances
Ovarian Cysts
Heavy Cycles
Luteal Phase Defect

Vitamin B12 Linked to Infertility and Miscarriage

Infertility caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency may be related to anovulation, abnormal cell division in the fertilized ovum or a lack of implantation due to megaloblastoid changes in the endometrium. Recurrent miscarriage may also be associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, though it is rare. However, when you are talking about you, rarity or not B-12 can be an issue.

Recommended dose for B-12 vitamin for pregnant women is 8-10mg daily (or it may read 120 mcg). Here is evidence from the respected Journal of Reproductive Medicine that B-12 may be a contributing factor in miscarriage: “The obstetrics histories of 14 patients presenting With 15 episodes of vitamin B12 deficiency were analyzed. Infertility of two to eight years had been present in four episodes, and recurrent fetal loss was a feature in 11. Two of these 11 cases had never had a full-term delivery. Case 1 had had seven spontaneous abortions before the finding of vitamin B12 deficiency. Treatment with B12 resulted in their first full-term delivery within nine months followed by two more full term deliveries. In six cases, miscarriages were followed by a period of infertility. In one case, after 3 miscarriages followed by six years of infertility, severe megaloblastic anemia was found with ahemoglobin of 5.8 g/dL and a serum B12 level of [less than] 50 pg/mL. Following parenteral B12 administration, the patient became pregnant immediately and delivered a full-term infant. In 10 patients, a full-term delivery occurred after vitamin B12 therapy. Six of them almost immediately conceived. Recurrent fetal loss in the presence of B12 deficiency may be due to elevated homocysteine levels and a resulting thrombophilic state. Pregnancy is already a prethrombotic state, and the homocysteinemia and increased risk of thrombovascular disease may cause thrombosis and inadequate perfusion of the placenta, preeclampsia, abruptio placentae, fetal growth retardation and stillbirth.

This study demonstrates the importance of measuring B12 levels in the evaluation of infertility or recurrent spontaneous abortions. Since folate therapy, high-folate diets, iron deficiency or thalassemia minor may mask a B12 deficiency, serum measurements are crucial.”

Bennett M. Vitamin B12 deficiency, infertility and recurrent fetal loss. J Reprod Med 2001; 46:209-212

B-12 is found in animal products but can be very difficult for a vegetarian to obtain through diet alone. Foods to eat: meat, animal protein, mushrooms, parsley, and turnips. We recommend Metagenics Wellness Essentials for Pregnancy to obtain a pharmaceutical grade vitamin with a high absorptions rate. You can order this off of our website by clicking on my name. Poor digestion can also inhibit the absorption of B-12 so if you suspect your digestion is weak i.e.: belching, gas, loose stool, irregular stool I would also recommend Ultra Flora Plus to improve your digestion. Some patients who show signs of B-12 deficiency including: weakness, fatigue, lethargy, diarrhea, depression, indigestion, paleness or pale tongue, poor memory, moodiness, personality changes or paranoia may want to consider getting supplemental B-12 shots from their doctor.

Written By: Kristen Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M., Dip. Ac., a nationally recognized expert in women’s health and infertility treating patients with acupuncture, herbal medicine, vitamin therapy and nutrition as medicine. She is the founder and medical director of American Acupuncture Center located in Eagle, Idaho.

Sperm Count, Morphology and Motility Improved Naturally

There are many exceptional options to naturally (not artificially) increase sperm count, quality and motility. My husband and I both have had considerable success treating male infertility including: poor sperm count, quality and motility. Many of our patients are considered “infertile” by their reproductive endocrinologist when they first see us. After 3-6 months of treatment their counts, quality and motility are all in the fertile range. Herbal medicine treats male infertility by treating the general health of the man with anti-aging components and adaptogenic effects. The herbs also have the ability to regulate the endocrine system, balance hormone production and treats reproductive disorders safely.

Acupuncture has been proven time and time again to improve sperm in infertile men. Here is one study published in the prestigious medical journal Fertility and Sterility:

A study published in July 2005 issue of the journal Fertility and Sterility found that acupuncture improved sperm quality in infertile men’s semen.

In the study, 28 men received acupuncture in addition to traditional infertility treatments, while another 12 men received only the traditional treatments. All of the men were diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

Acupuncture was associated with fewer structural defects in the sperm of men who received it, although it had no effect on sperm immaturity or premature death.

Previous studies have shown a link between acupuncture and improved sperm production and motility.

To find an acupuncturist near you go to Acufinder on the web. Go to our website for a good comparison of what an expert in this field looks like.

Here are some things you can do to improve ejaculate volume, viscosity, appearance, pH balance, sperm count, motility and morphology:

Herbal and Vitamin phone consult with Anthony A. Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. Acupuncturist and Herbalist with an expertise in men’s health, fertility and sports injury. Herbal medicine is so effective in treating sperm quality, quantity and motility than an infertile man can become fertile. Expect a minimum of 3 months to improve sperm and re-analyze sperm after 6 months of herbal medicine treatment to ensure proper herbal prescription is working effectively.

Eliminate alcohol as it decreases one’s ability to produce testosterone.

Eliminate smoking, recreational drugs (including marijuana), and stress.

Eliminate ejaculation other than fertile times having intercourse every other day for one week during fertile signs and ovulation.

Avoid vigorous exercise, saunas, hot tub, hot baths, tight underwear and bicycle riding all of which lead to increased temperature in the testicles and potentially reduce sperm count.

Take 40-80 mg of Zinc (never do more than 100 mg daily) in the form of supplements and food. An excellent source of Zinc can be purchased on our website. It’s called Zinc A.G. take two daily for improved immunity and prostate function.

Vitamin E take 200-400 iu daily helping to balance hormone production. Wellness Essentials for Men has 50 iu and it’s easy to supplement in your diet by eating: almonds, cold pressed vegetable oils, dark leafy greens, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, eggs, brown rice, kelp, milk, oatmeal, wheat, wheat germ, sweet potatoes and flax seeds.

Foods to eat to increase virility and sperm quality and production: scallions, lamb, shrimp, black beans, kidney beans, yams, clams and oysters.

Avoid the herbs: Echinacea, ginkgo biloba and St.John’s Wort

Avoid drugs (with a doctor’s supervision): Zantac (Ranitidine) and Tagamet (Cimetidine)

There are many natural options for improving quality, quantity and motility of sperm. These procedures are very effective, safe and non-invasive. The best side-effects from the treatment are often improved sleep, higher sex-drive, greater virility, lower stress and less depression.

Written by: Kristen N. Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M., Dip. Ac., an Acupuncturist and Herbalist who practices with her husband treating women and men for infertility. Both experts are available for phone consults for those who don’t live in Eagle, Idaho.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hysterectomy Hysteria

At the tender age of 17 I visited a highly respected gynecologist who matter-of-factly recommended a hysterectomy to ease my excruciating uterine cramping. After hormone therapy, pain killers and then double strength painkillers, he had simply run out of suggestions. There was no serious diagnosis: only suspected endometriosis and definitive dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation).

I was devastated. At that moment, sitting across his enormous wooden desk I thought to myself this is not happening to ME! His words swam in and out of my consciousness like daggers, and most piercing was the doom of his suggestion: “Of course a hysterectomy is always an option”. An option? How could he be so calm and casual about my precious life giving uterus? How could he talk so casually about ending my dream of motherhood? I couldn’t help but notice numerous beautiful photographs of his three blond daughters decorating his walls. How dare he?

My entire life I had dreamt of being a Mother to many children even though I was practically a child myself at the time. I did not know where my life path would carry me. I didn’t know if I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher or a child psychologist but I had always known I wanted to work with children and have some of my own.

An image that has always remained with me was a picture I drew with crayons in first grade. Playing house was my favorite pastime, and I remember clearly drawing me as a Mommy with my twelve children. Yes, twelve! I had two set of triplet babies and twin toddlers and an older son and daughter. The triplets were always wrapped tightly in their baby blankets. This was the image I portrayed of myself at age 6. I was a Mommy and a very fertile one at that. The image I portrayed of myself at 17 was a little more realistic, but not far off.

I knew the doctor was wrong. A hysterectomy was NOT an option for me. After the appointment, I cried, of course and then I left.

So, I suffered. I cramped three weeks out of four only to find my self writhing on the bathroom floor from nausea and pain searing through my ovaries and uterus and thighs like a blade just prior to menstruation. The pain took my breath away. I felt crazy. It was as though I had a small terror accelerating through my vulnerable body destroying my thoughts and my dignity. I dry-heaved, I moaned, I wept, I ached, I slept, I bloated (2 sizes up), and I sweated profusely through the pain for two days rocking back and forth, pounding my lower abdomen until finally I bled. This cycle continued every 28 days for 7 years. Miraculously I forgot most of the suffering once it passed. Small bits would linger, dangling in the foreground of my memory. Each time my cycle approached, I thought, maybe it will just get better. Everyone said it would AFTER I had a baby. But at 17, a virgin and unmarried that prospect was years away.

I changed physicians ten times, all responding identically. “Let’s try some hormones. Okay, now here are some pain killers.” Double strength was a joke- it did nothing for me but give me a penetrating stomach ache burrowing into my upper abdomen. Most shrugged their shoulders and said “that is all I can suggest for you. I don’t know what else to do.” None of them recommended the endometriosis association or Resolve or a therapist or an acupuncturist or a nutritionist. None. One doctor did recommend 400i.u. of vitamin E for breast tenderness. Seven out of my ten reputable OBGYN physicians suggested I cut my uterus out. Get rid of it all together. Forget it ever existed. Relinquish my dream of being a mom. No way.

Interestingly enough, people kept suggesting acupuncture. I thought they were just as insane as my physicians. I was afraid it would hurt and I distinctly remember thinking “Yea, right, little tiny needles are going to help my complex medical problems? I don’t think so.” So, I continued to suffer until one particular visit with my aunt and uncle at their mountain cabin. We hiked, biked, skied and always laughed. Yet, somehow for several months in a row this mini-vacation were perfectly timed with the on-set of my period. After watching me suffer time and time again and they flat out said, “Kristen, you cannot live like this anymore- you must go see our acupuncturist.” So, reluctantly after seven years of suffering, I went.

The experience was a turning point. When I returned home from the mountains, I sought out their acupuncturist who was also a Traditional Chinese Herbalist. I changed my dietary habits by eliminating coffee to reduce my bloating and pain. All unhealthy fats were avoided and that included my addiction of french fries. Instead I drank green tea and took a potent pre-natal multi-vitamin and evening primrose oil. I ate eggplant the week before my period to remove blood clots from my uterus and again help alleviate the excruciating pain. Surprisingly, she suggested eating less salads and more steamed vegetables to improve my digestion, reduce bloating and increase warmth throughout my body. I obliged. Daily I lowered my stress levels by practicing deep abdominal Qi Gong breathing. I added ginger to my water and omitted ice to reduce my unbearable feeling of cold and cramping in my low abdomen. Every instruction and recommendation was followed precisely. In three months, my entire health changed and it didn’t hurt a bit. I was cured. No more severe pain, no more emotional terror, no more hopelessness. This medicine was a lot more than just little needles. It was powerful.

In addition to the bi- weekly acupuncture treatments my practitioner added specific herbal remedies for my individual diagnosis and constitution. These herbs carried with them thousands of years of wisdom and healing. They smelled intense and earthy. After the first several weeks of treatment I started to feel as though I couldn’t live without acupuncture. The therapeutic warmth from the lamp over my abdomen penetrated a deep sense of healing within my body. Tears ran down my cheeks as portions of hidden stories in my past left my mind and body. I always felt less burdened when I left my acupuncture sessions. My acupuncturist’s gentle needle technique and the inherent power of the medicine often lead to an incredibly restful sleep while on the table. It was a depth I had never experienced before. Layers of stress and memories unfolded naturally allowing my sense of self to breathe again. I did not understand the medicine but I intuitively knew it was right.

After only 12 weeks I became a new woman. I was no longer suffering. I had to pause and remember how terrible I used to feel- it quickly dissipated into the distant past. The healing that took place significantly increased in my potential to conceive! Becoming a mother was possible. My ultimate dream was finally within reach. For the first time in seven years I felt whole. I had a sense of balance and calm. My life was more even and controlled. I felt empowered. My acupuncturist gave me tools to enhance my health and prevent future imbalances. She actively participated in my whole health addressing all physical and emotional symptoms associated with my excruciating menstrual cycles.

Endometriosis is treatable with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dysmenorrhea is treatable with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Most gynecological problems are treatable with acupuncture and properly prescribed Chinese Herbs. Why did it take me seven years, ten doctors, and persistent persuasion from a close relative for me to find this successful medical treatment? Why would doctors recommend a surgery that would forever alter my life, prevent me from having children, and dramatically affect my overall health without first exhausting all other options? These questions facilitated a new found passion in my life. How can I help others find this medicine? I contemplated becoming a lobbyist on Capital Hill to promote acupuncture and then I had an epiphany.

During my next OBGYN appointment my diagnosis was this: absolute health. I was so moved by this seeming medical miracle that I applied to Traditional Oriental Medical School, and after four grueling years of graduate work and passing the notoriously difficult California state board examination, I became an acupuncturist and herbalist. My passion throughout my training was always women’s health. I was eager to help other women, like me, to reduce their suffering. I wanted other women to know they have options that can address serious medical conditions. This complete system of medicine is not just about reducing stress it is about healing the patient, completely.

I founded an integrative health center along with my husband where we treat women and men holistically. We treat women with endometriosis, high FSH levels, dysmenorrhea, ammenorrhea (no menstrual cycle), Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), hypo-thyroidism, endocrine disorders, imbalanced hormones, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and the frustrating diagnosis of unexplained infertility. We treat profuse bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles, PMS, depression, anxiety, high stress levels, and early onset of menopause. For men we significantly change the quality of their sperm by improving morphology, motility and overall sperm counts. We bring balance and babies to those who feel healthy and are considered “normal” from a western medical perspective yet, they were unable to get pregnant through conventional medicine. We can see into the body and understand it’s disharmony in a way that is foreign to other systems of medicine. We treat the hopeless, the desperate, and the doomed often times with the end result of a baby even when they were told they never could.

Although my experience left a lot to be desired regarding Western Medicine I always remain respectful. Western medicine has a lot of powerful tools and many physicians are phenomenal healers. I recognized early on in my training the power of combining the best of both worlds. Now we are a part of integrative medicine receiving referrals from the top fertility specialists, internists, OBGYN’s, psychologists, and general practitioners that acknowledge the strength of Chinese Medicine and have witnessed success after success with our treatments. We treat patients at the most prestigious fertility centers in San Diego, California while they are undergoing In-vitro fertilization (IVF). In some cases our involvement increases their chances of a successful pregnancy by fifty percent!

It is imperative that we educate the women in our lives that they do not need to suffer unnecessarily. We must teach the men in this world that they have options too. You have the power to heal. Never give up on yourself. Never give up on the ones you love. Never give up on your dreams even if “experts” along the way say they are impossible.

As for my babies, the picture I drew has come true. I do have babies*, dozens of them. This year alone we have helped create numerous babies for the ever evolving family of fertility patients. My husband and I, thanks to acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, are grateful for the option of being parents ourselves and that is enough for now.   

*Since writing this story we have two beautiful baby boys conceived naturally and easily with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine.

A True Story written by Kristen Burris, L.Ac., M.S. founder of American Acupuncture Center, Inc. in Eagle, Idaho (208) 938-1277

Finding The Calm

When you are told you can’t have a child it feels as though someone has instantly ruined your life. A whirlwind of emotions haunts you as you search desperately for other options. You, your husband, or partner may be asking, “Why us”? You may be sick and tired of “everything baby” around you and you certainly may be disgusted when you are asked innocently, “Do you have children?” The bad news is you may feel this excruciatingly painful part of your life will never end. The good news is it will resolve, you are not alone and you have more options than you think.

One thing you may not be aware of is the fact that acupuncture could increase your chances of getting pregnant by over 50% (Sterility and Fertility April 2002 and April 2006). I witness it in my practice every day. Patients have success combining acupuncture with in-vitro fertilization cycles, inseminations, and/or pharmaceuticals with intercourse. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can also be used exclusively to treat patients before they attempt more invasive therapies or after couples have been told they will never be able to get pregnant. Time and time again I have participated in the success of helping couples conceive when they were told that would never be an option.

Infertility often causes anxiety and depression and why wouldn’t it? Most of us have wanted to be parents from a very early age playing house with our friends carrying around teddy bears and baby dolls as though they were our own flesh and blood. Believing your life-long dreams will never become your reality is devastating.

For most people, acupuncture is the last thing they think about when they are having a difficult time conceiving. For many, acupuncture seems like an unlikely match for tackling depression, calming anxieties, and enhancing fertility. In the past, the least likely person to tell you about acupuncture and herbal medicine enhancing your fertility was your physician but that has changed. Many physicians work side-by-side and make referrals to acupuncturists to decrease stress and increase fertility in their patients. The science is finally proving the efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the world of fertility.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine works by treating imbalances and diseases in the body that are prohibiting conception or the ability to carry a child. We are familiar with many terms through western medical terminology: endometriosis, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, high FSH levels, poor sperm count, poor motility and poor morphology and the all too common and frustrating diagnosis of unexplained infertility.

In Chinese medicine we view these diseases through images projected in nature like: too much heat in the uterus or dampness obstructing the reproductive organs. This is more easily understood when a Chinese medical term aligns nicely with a Western medical explanation of a disease. For instance: endometriosis which often causes painful menstruation, sensitive bowel movements and tender breasts is a common diagnosis of infertility. This pattern of disharmony according to Traditional Chinese Medicine has several potential diagnoses depending on the personal symptoms. If a woman has pain before her period starts, tends toward depression, has breast tenderness and blood clots that accompany her uterine cramping this is consider blood stasis in the uterus causing pain and infertility. She needs acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to alleviate pain, move blood stagnation in her uterus in order to increase her fertility.

If however, the patient has uterine cramping and pain AFTER the first day of her menses, she is tired, and pale then the same western diagnosis of endometriosis has a different diagnosis in Chinese medical terms. This diagnosis is called: blood deficiency causing pain in the uterus and inhibiting pregnancy. For this patient we would treat her with different herbs and acupuncture points that increase blood flow to the uterus and alleviate pain thereby enhancing her fertility. Describing our diagnosis as it relates to the individuals symptoms makes sense to patients. They can literally see the blood stagnation in their clots and they can obviously recognize their pale face when blood deficient. The medicine is easy to understand in this way and brings comfort and satisfaction to new patients. The mystery of the dysfunction in their reproductive system is relieved.

Another benefit for the person who uses acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to increase their fertility is the emotional well-being and reduction of stress that accompanies treatment. Utilizing acupuncture to enhance fertility is never a waste of time or money. At the very least patients feel better physically and emotionally and often become open to options that they never would have considered before. From a western medical perspective we now have evidence that supports what acupuncturists have known for centuries: Stress reduces your ability to conceive and carry a child to full term. Acupuncture reduces stress on a very deep level and this fact alone enhances fertility in both men and women considerably.

As acupuncturists and herbalists we are unable to separate the mind from the body so when we bring balance to the body through acupuncture and herbal medicine the patient will also experience balance emotionally. This is an aspect that patients can feel and observe readily during their healing process. It is the confirmation that many people seek acknowledging that the therapy is working because feeling better is palpable and easy to assess. For the skeptic, they acknowledge that at the very least they feel better while receiving acupuncture and herbal therapy. They also have the comfort of reading the scientific proof in some of the most respected journals in reproductive medicine. Thankfully the majority of acupuncture patients will conceive and carry their dream to fruition becoming parents at last. Being open to the unknown not only enables your child to enter your life but bring peace into your heart as well.

Article written by Kristen Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Master’s In Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Kristen is the founder and medical director of American Acupuncture Center in Eagle, Idaho Her areas of expertise are: women’s health, fertility enhancement, irregular cycles, painful menstruation, and unexplained infertility. Ms. Burris has been featured in Parenting Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, Better Nutrition Magazine, KUSI News, Today’s Local News, National Public Radio and The San Diego Union Tribune.