Monday, May 11, 2015

How to Be A Childless Mother

Mother's Day
It's a tough one to go through when you are wanting a baby of your own.  Something so natural, so expected, has become a reach beyond your grasp. You have no control.  The timing feels all wrong.  The wait is too long.  The strain settles into a foreboding, ominous feeling you cannot shake through prayer nor tears.

You want to celebrate your own Mother but going out in public seeing all of the happy families, laughing, loving and sharing is all too much for your brittle, tender, heart.

Some women are struggling to become more of a  Mother.  Others to stay a Mother and yet even more to become Mothers, even for just one child. Just ONE you say, you plead, you beg, you cry. Some women make promises to other Mothers to love and nurture their babies as their own. Some women can't resolve the deep, irrepressible desire to have more.

But what is true is we each have the capacity to be Mothers. We can be nurturing, supportive, loving and mothering in all sorts of ways.  To our friends, our spouses, our animals, our fostered children, our adopted children, and even to ourselves.  As you nurture your bodies into a more fertile state, work on nurturing your mothering tendencies.

The patience and understanding and frustration and determination you mine and hone during this relentless process will carve you into the Mother you never were and now have become.  Surrender yourself to the long, tedious, painful process knowing you will be more patient, more grateful, more Mother than before.

Each breathe, each laughter, each spill, each tear, each tantrum will be handled with more grace, understanding, acceptance and above all gratitude.

Your Mothering time will come and what a Mother you will be.  You will have your battles fought and won before ever giving birth.  The little things won't bother you so much.  The tiresome fretting just won't matter.  Your heart will be so full of gracious gratitude you will be over flowing with love and the knowing that the wait, the torturous, intolerable wait was indeed worth it and in fact you are better for it.

Fertility, Menopause and Women's Health Expert    Kristen N. Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. was told she would probably never have children or that it would be very difficult.  Instead it was recommended she get a hysterectomy.  This lead her on a path that changed her fertile health and hundreds of couples who want to have children. 
She still accepts some of the most challenging infertility cases in the U.S. (208) 938-1277