Acupuncture is very effective in treating infertility for many medical reasons. Acupuncture has been proven for over 2,000 years to increase blood flow to reproductive organs, reduce uterine cramping, regulate hormones and induce ovulation; all of which significantly increases a woman's ability to conceive and carry a child full term.
Western medical science explains the efficacy of acupuncture by saying it stimulates the neurotransmitters triggering production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone. This hormone controls a woman's menstrual cycle and her ability to ovulate in a timely manner. Acupuncture is known to stimulate blood flow to the uterus and increases the production of endogenous opioids which allows the body to relax inhibiting stress, one of the greatest known factors in infertile couples.
A visit to a Licensed, Board Certified, Acupuncturist resembles that to a medical doctor. Prior to a visit the patient fills out extensive paperwork explicitly describing their health history, symptoms ranging from digestive health to mental health to reproductive history. The patient will also share family health history and any western medical problems or diseases including whether the patient has attempted procedure like IVF or IUI.
Various diagnosing skills are employed by the acupuncturist including: pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis (this is the only muscle we can see externally therefore it is thought to reflect the internal disharmony within a patients body) and abdominal palpation. We assimilate your information, make a diagnosis and treat accordingly with acupuncture, herbal medicine and supplement or dietary recommendations to increase fertility.
During a treatment patients experience a unique calm and deep relaxation from acupuncture. Once the Acupuncturist assesses your paperwork, examines your body and listens to your concerns they choose anywhere from 10 to 20 acupuncture points to treat your medical problems. You can expect hair-thin, sterile, painless, needles to be inserted on your lower arms, legs, abdomen or back. It is common for patients to fall asleep during treatment. Acupuncture shouldn't hurt, if it does tell your Acupuncturist where you feel sensitive. They should be able to lighten their technique so it's virtually pain-free. If they are unable, and you are uncomfortable, it may be time to seek help from another Acupuncturist.
Your Acupuncturists office should be professional, clean and apply strict needle technique using sterile, disposable, one-time use needles only. The thought of acupuncture can be nerve wracking but the reality is an enjoyable experience that is worth trying. Western medical science gets excited about a mere 1% increase in the effectiveness of any of their drugs or surgeries in relation to infertility. Acupuncture when combined with IVF procedures has been proven in a study to increase a woman's success by a staggering 65% Source: British Medical Journal Feb 2008. It's imperative to include acupuncture to your IVF treatment plan.
Kristen Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. is a board certified Acupuncturist and Herbalist whose expertise is infertility for women. She was featured in Woman's Day, USA Today and Eagle Magazine in June and July of 2010.
Monday, July 26, 2010
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