Monday, March 30, 2015

WSTCM IVF WHAT? I've Never Heard of That to Get Pregnant

Considering IVF (In-vitro Fertilization)? You might want to wait. We have always suggested a minimum of three to six monthly cycles for both the woman and the man to seek treatment here, before starting IVF. This course of treatment is suggested even if they have unexplained infertility or more complicated known infertility diagnosis.
Why do we recommend this?
Because time and time again we have seen couples, whom both see us for their known or unknown male factor and female factor infertility and it only takes them once with IVF to have a baby.
This is amazing! IVF usually takes many times to work for couples. So patients save money (each time a couples uses IVF as an attempt to get pregnant it costs approximately $15,000)  and restores their emotional sanity when combining our medicine with IVF.
Here at Eagle Acupuncture our fertility treatments consist of WS-TCM or rather whole systems traditional chinese medicine. This is a lot more complex than using a couple of acupuncture points to increase IVF success rates.
Other studies have proven that by adding acupuncture alone to IVF during and after embryo transfers, increases take home baby rates to over 50-60%.

Now, even more astoundingly,  this study of over 1,231 cases proves that our system of WS-TCM, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, supplement therapy, lifestyle changes and other TCM modalities that we use for our patients is even MORE EFFECTIVE than acupuncture with IVF.
Even more effective.

We have known this our entire practice but to have science back this is wonderfully inspiring news for infertility patients.
Remember, we do consults throughout the world (208) 938-1277 not just patients here locally.
The conclusions from this study include:
Whole Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine (WS-TCM) added to IVF may be beneficial.
•WS-TCM and IVF was associated with more live births compared with acupuncture and IVF.
•WS-TCM and IVF was associated with more live births compared with IVF alone.
•WS-TCM is individualized and includes acupuncture and other TCM interventions.…/S1472-6483%2815%29000…/abstrac

Friday, March 13, 2015

Shame On Them: Poor Reporting MisInforms Millions About Acupuncture

Even one of the most trusted medical resources can get their information wrong.  Let's clear up some inadequate reporting here by WEB MD.

1. They state: Acupuncture should never be the only medical treatment a patient uses to get pregnant. True. Who said that was enough on it's own?  It should always be combined with Traditional Herbal Medicine, not mentioned in this article. 
Traditional Chinese Medicine, when prescribed by an herbalist, is:

Twice as Likely in 1/3 of the time to enable a woman to get pregnant compared to IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) or fertility drugs.

(Even a study has proven that) I've never heard of a natural infertility specialist only using acupuncture alone for fertility enhancement so why they are pointing this out? It would be the equivalent of saying: never use low dose aspirin alone to treat infertility- who would?

SEE full study on this website

2.Acupuncture DOES improve fertility not, "may also work" ...Many reporters love to undermine natural medical experts by adding words of doubt using words like "quick to point out" "still" "may also work" "encourage fertility" I've also read time and time again " they claim" "they say" not "Study proves" "Millions of natural infertility success stories show" This is what is in the article:
   "Still, many experts are quick to point out that this ancient Chinese medical art may also work to help encourage fertility overall -- even for those couples trying to conceive naturally." However they never seem to use this same language when talking about studies or quoting an M.D. 
Hear all the doubt laced in this one sentence?
Need more proof?  See real, fertility baby pictures , whose mother's thought they were infertile, but turned to Acupuncture instead and gave birth

3. Just as this doctor was interviewed as saying "I wouldn't advise a couple to rely only on acupuncture, or to try it without first getting a fertility workup, but if everything checks out OK, acupuncture can be helpful,"
The same should be said about IVF. 
Why on earth would any medical provider suggest IVF without acupuncture?  Acupuncture, when administered, in conjunction with IVF treatments, increases take home baby rate of 50--65%.

If something increased your fertility by 5%, would you do it? Probably.
If a form of medicine that caused no harm, short-term or long-term to you or your baby and increased your fertility by 25%, would you consider it?  Of course you would.
If there was something you could do that was a fraction of the cost of IVF and increased your odds of not only conceiving but also having a live baby in your arms at home by 50-65%?  Without a doubt. 
But the trouble is:
Women don't know.
Men aren't advised.
They aren't being referred.
The secret is still hidden.
Information is being incorrectly reported on.
Why?  We haven't figured that out...yet.

Never rely solely on IVF for your fertility treatments.
Never get IVF without a proper and full fertility workup
Never get IVF if things check out OK and you haven't tried Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine First
They missed a biggie here.  Acupuncture AND Herbal Medicine treats infertility problems when things don't check out OK.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine has been proven over and over and over and over and over again to:
Increase Sperm Count
Improve Motility
Improve Morphology
Resolve Endometriosis
Correct Luteal Phase Defects
Promote ovulation in anovulatory women
Treat PCOS
Reduce insulin resistance
Lower High FSH levels
Improve egg quality without having to use a young donor
Increase Blood Flow
Improve the thickness of uterine lining
Prevent miscarriage
Support Thyroid Function
Reduce Blood Clotting
Improve Immune Response
Treat Unexplained, Sub-clinical Female Infertility
Treat Unexplained, Sub-clinical Male Infertility
Reduce Stress
Help Patients Lose Weight
Positively Impacts the Hypo-thalamus-ovarian-axis
Increase blood flow specifically to the uterus and ovaries
Decrease Uterine Contractions During Embryo Transfers (the last step in IVF process)
Increase take home baby rate (not just pregnancy rate) of IVF treatments by 50-65% depending on which study you read

4.  Ironically, this doctor also advises a fertility workup prior to getting acupuncture.  Interesting advice.  I'd like to see what tests this doctor actually does recommend prior to medically invasive treatments.  Do they see if her fallopian tubes are open prior to using Clomid and IUI?  Has her progesterone, FSH, AMH,  Thyroid, Vitamin D been checked?  Or has PCOS been ruled in or out, or blood clotting disorder, or an auto-immune problem been investigated? Many have never had semen analysis prior to fertility drugs and IUI.  Just yesterday we had a patient who had been trying for 4 and 1/2 years and her doctors never once looked at her husband's semen.  I asked for him to have a semen analysis done immediately and guess what? Yes, there is an issue with his semen.  4 1/2 years they suffered. Now, we will treat him naturally and improve the quality of his semen.

Not surprisingly, this article published by WEB MD is yet another example of poor, inaccurate, and inadequate facts about Acupuncture and Fertility.    The rest is a good read and gives some helpful insights into fertility in general.

Web MD may reach millions of people and we may reach only 100's or 1,000's but we want those people to be properly educated, not misinformed.

Schedule your consult today with our fertility experts, no matter where you live  (208) 938-1277 Be informed and turn your infertility into ancient history.

Friday, March 6, 2015

You Can't Beat God: Challenges After You Conquer Infertility

100% Success in a study?  Who has ever heard of that?  We can do that. In fact, we did it this week. 

At Eagle Acupuncture we always suggest our patients follow up with us within the first  1-2 weeks after having given birth.  There are many reasons for this including but not limited to checking on her emotional state, post-partum depression, anxiety, or uncontrollable crying, pain, achy muscles, flu-like symptoms, neck pain, back pain, wrist pain, bladder infection, constipation (from pain meds), loose stool (from anti-biotics) and insufficient lactation.  We also want to know if the babies are thriving as we can treat them too.

The fragility of previously "infertile" patients who now, after years of waiting, are actually holding their babies is far more potent than a couple who conceived easily, on their own. 
There are also medical reasons that related to insufficient lactation one of which is PCOS. As though these women, who have struggled so long to get pregnant and stay pregnant, need another hurdle to jump through in motherhood.

What you don't hear about is insufficient blood unable to transform into breast milk.   Traditional Chinese medicine views insufficient lactation in this way and it's quite interesting and poetic.  The menstrual fluid that once flowed, then ceased to nourish the baby is then released as purified milk to then nourish the child after birth.  Women also lose a lot of blood giving birth vaginally and via c-section. This further depletes their milk supply.  Liver Qi contraint binds the milk ducts in the breasts making it difficult to express milk (this presents in women with very full breasts but no expulsion), or Spleen Qi Deficiency is for soft breasts that just have no milk to give or very little. 

But not to worry if you don't understand these very old medical terms.  All you need to remember is: if you find yourself, your sister, your friend, your cousin or your daughter is faced with insufficient lactation, you now know what to do and it isn't opening a can of formula.  Read on to see how you can never beat God.

Our patient came in and was struggling with insufficient milk production.  She had met with all the specialists, the lactation consultants, her pediatrician and of course had followed up with her OBGYN.  No one had referred her to us, but thankfully she kept her post-partum follow-up visit with us. 

The number one reason women stop breast feeding is low milk supply.  We all know by now the unbelievable healthy nutrients, immune boosting benefits and emotional bonding, that breast feeding provides babies; far better than formula.  As I like to say "You can't beat God", or the natural innate ability of your body to heal, provide and produce.

We consoled her and said it was ok, we will treat her and she will be fine, just wait and see.  She had shared that she could only pump out one ounce of milk.  Her breasts were not full and it concerned her.  Not being able to feed your baby is a tremendous burden many mothers are faced with.  It is another way they feel they are failing.  The feelings they had when they were once an "infertile" is now haunting them again, my body is broken. They want so desperately to do what is best for their babies. 

One acupuncture treatment and she returned two days later to report that her milk was squirting out as she fed her babies. One treatment. We of course are going to follow up with her twice weekly for a couple of month to secure her milk production, build blood, course the liver and tonify the spleen.

If this is news to you.  Please share.  Share with your friends, your daughters, your grand-daughters.  Plant the seed of information now.  Women have the right to know that they are not broken, their bodies can do what they are meant to do and it doesn't have to include any risk to them or their babies.

This clinical observation has showed a 100% success with acupuncture for increasing milk supply...100%.  Now that is something to talk about. Follow this link to read more about Acupuncture for insufficient lactation.

Consults available via phone for women's health concerns and medical problems including: infertility, post partum and menopausal challenges:

100% Success Clinical Study: