Monday, February 7, 2011

The Decay of the Infertile

Devastation. Revulsion. Regret.

Devastation that their dream of being pregnant, giving birth, breast feeding and being a Mother feels unattainable.

Revulsion of the dysfunction of their body and often even God.

Regret in marrying their spouse or waiting too long to conceive.

The strain on their marriage is equivalent to an affair or death of a child. The forced timing of intimacy expunges the passion they once had. The anger and regret every time a pregnancy test reflects one lonely line proving once again she isn't pregnant is hostile and all consuming. The mood swings are volatile. The depression crushing. The anxiety overwhelmingly colossal. The strain shreds the bond the couple once felt was unconditional and eternal. Their entire existence hangs in a weak and decaying balance.

This is what my patients experience every day of their lives for months or years on end. That is until I am able to gracefully bring balance and fertility to their cold and once barren wombs. Then miraculously the burden of death and inconceivable grief lifts instantly and they plunge into the ecstasy and challenges of pregnancy and parenthood.

Kristen Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. is a nationally known and sought after fertility expert in the U.S. Patients have travelled as far as London, England for her fertility expertise. She has been featured in national health magazine such as: USA Today, Woman’s Day, Parenting Magazine, Natural Health, Better Nutrition, Achieving Families, Resolve Newsletter and Parents Magazine. She has also been the subject of newspaper feature stories in the San Diego Union Tribune and the Idaho Statesman, radio spots on NPR, K-POP and Pregtastic and television news magazine segments including: KUSI TV News in San Diego.

She served on the board of Resolve, the non-profit organization helping couples struggling with infertility. She has given treatment to hundreds of couples during the embryo transfers of their IVF cycles at the most prestigious fertility centers in the United States. Ms. Burris was the founder of Fertility Retreats for couples where 75% of the participants are now parents.

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