Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reporter Wants To Know What Makes Me an Expert in the Field of Infertility

1. What makes you an expert in your field?

Experience: After successfully getting hundreds and hundreds of women pregnant for over a decade when they are told they will never, ever have a child of their own makes me a leading expert in my field. Just last week we had 3 pregnancies in women I was treating for infertility and over 40 and a birth of a healthy baby boy too!

Pictures Say a Thousand Words: I attached several fertility success pictures for you to view.

Defying the Odds: My work is miraculous yet most coupes have no idea that my area of expertise is available to them. I have helped hundreds of couples achieve happy, healthy babies and it is indeed the most rewarding work. Patients have traveled as far as London, England to seek my expertise. Many fly in to the city in which I live and receive treatments from me for weeks and sometimes months on end.

Published: My fertility expertise has been printed in various media outlets including Achieving Families (a magazine that supports couples struggling with fertility and habitual miscarriage), Tips and Quips (a fertility blog), The Independent, and next month I will be featured in Idaho Women's Journal to name a few.

Volunteer:I have served on the board of Resolve, a non-profit organization that aids couples devastated by infertility through education, support and expert advice.

Books: I am currently writing two books about infertility addressing the emotional, physical and spiritual challenges couples face during their journey from infertility to joyful parents.

Experts Seeking my Expertise: Many of my patients have actually been OBGYN doctors who treat infertility and have chose to seek my expertise instead of using their own medicine. Currently on of those physicians is pregnant with her second child. Others Acupuncturists expert in women's health throughout the nation email and call me to consult on challenging fertility cases.

Partnering with Fertility Doctors: I treat patients naturally with acupuncture and herbal medicine in my private practice and have over a 74% success rate. I have been one of only a handful of fertility Acupuncturists honored to also accompany my patients who choose IVF as their choice of fertility enhancement giving pre and post acupuncture during embryo transfers to increase their successful birth rate by over 65% (Proven by studies in Fertility and Sterility 2002, 2006, 2008). Outside of my practice I have treated patients at La Jolla IVF, Reproductive Partners, San Diego Fertility Center, Reproductive Science, Infertility, Gynecology and Obstetrics,  & Scripps La Jolla.

In the Press: I have been sought out as an expert in women's healthfeatured in multiple media outlets often times highlighting my fertility success stories including: MSNBC, The San Deigo Union Tribune, Woman's Day, USA Today, Parents, Parenting, Miami Herald, Natural Health magazine, National Public Radio, KPOP radio, KUSI Tv News, KBOI, Today's Local News and Yahoo News to name a few. I was interviewed by Good Morning America Last week and we are scheduling video soon.

Taught College After completing my four year Master's Degree I taught Acupuncture at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego (one of the most respected colleges in our field).

2. How have you earned a living specifically as an expert in your field? I founded and own my own practice and day in and day out I help women feed their souls creating new life in their wombs defying western medical diagnosis welcoming healthy babies in their arms. I treat patients within my practice and am invited as a guest to treat at some of the most prestigious fertility centers in the world. I have earned a living by treating individuals with acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition to enhance and treat infertility. It has enabled me to buy a home, send both of my children to private school, afford a nanny and buy the medical building in which I practice. My practice is solely word of mouth and people consult with me all over the country to enhance their fertility from London, to San Diego, to Louisiana to Idaho.

3. What advice would you give to

someone who wants to earn a living as an industry expert?

Be Passionate: Follow your passion and don't let anything get in your way. I was advised to become a doctor, not an herbalist and acupuncturist, however, after acupuncture and herbal medicine saved my reproductive health (doctors were recommending a hysterectomy by the time I was 21) I was passionate about sharing this time-honored, scientifically proven, wonderfully safe and natural medicine with the world. I initially wanted to become a lobbyist to change laws and promote this medicine but I truly believe that my heart to heart work is far more fulfilling that feeds my soul, my heart and changes my patients life forever.

Read, Write, Publish, Repeat:My advice to anyone seeking to be an expert is: read, write, talk, volunteer, push limits, publish, educate and give your heart every day. Eventually, you will become the leading expert if you follow your passion, work diligently every day and open yourself to any possibility allow no obstacle to stand in your way.

Mentor: I assisted the most famous Acupuncturist and Herbalist in our city (San Diego) for four years before ever treating my own patient. Learning from a mentor was invaluable and gave me knowledge beyond books. I then became a mentor to several other aspiring Acupuncturists and Herbalist that further solidified my expertise.

Meet with leading experts in your field. Call them. Take them to lunch. Ask them questions.

Read, research and read some more. Be passionate and come from a place of integrity every step of the way.

Give Back: Last year alone I donated over $34,000 worth of medical care to my community.

If you know someone struggling to get or stay pregnant please forward this to them!
Thank you.

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