Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Who Am I?

About Me: I'm fiery, passionate, sensitive and loving. I'm in awe of nature and its healing properties. I am social, athletic and enjoy friendships immensely but my family always comes first. I am moved by music, photography and belly-deep laughter. I believe food is medicine: "Earth to Table" & "If You Can't Read It Don't Eat It!" I am fascinated with the healing potential within every person no matter how ill they may be. I am a vessel for work that is beyond my comprehension and I am blessed and grateful for the opportunity to witness miracles every day.

Specialty: Infertility, Women's Health and Menstrual Problems. I treat the full circle of life: enhancing a woman's ability to conceive, preventing hysterectomies during menopause and alleviating pain. I am passionate about women's health and educating them about their choices integrating Acupuncture and Herbal medicine with traditional allopathic medicine.
About My Practice: I am the owner of American Acupuncture Center and an advocate for women helping them navigate the complex choices available in medicine. My heart is in every treatment, listening with a tender ear and lending compassionate advice. I am a sister, mother, friend and healer. I understand what it is to suffer. I believe there are many paths to healing, living and even dieing. I warm wombs to aid conception. I tend to broken spirits trampled by medicine that has failed them. I journey with my patients during chemotherapy watching their spirits soar as their horrific side-effects dissipate. As pain melts from my patients' bodies I witness a transformation in all aspects of their life. When a child is born to an "infertile" mother I know my work on Earth is done. I feel complete and in awe of the miraculousness of life, God and this profound medicine we call alternative.

Advice: Never, never, never, give up. You have options that are viable, profound forms of medicine within your reach. Kindness heals. Be kind to yourself and your suffering. Find the child within that is broken and wrap your arms around her to heal. Eat well, drink green tea, and laugh often.

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