Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Don't Give Up Pregnant at 42

As emotionally devastating as infertility can be there is hope.  Our most recent patient came for acupunture after being on Clomid for 12 months and having had 4 failed IUI's.  The couple was desperate and exhausted.  They decided to try one more IUI but this time they added our expertise to their fertility treatments. 

The husband saw my husband, Tony A. Burris, L.Ac. , M.S.T.O.M. for advice about herbal supplements and vitamin therapy to increase his virility.  The wife sought my expertise for unexplained infertility.  She sufered from side-effects from her fertility drugs including PMS, bloating, exhaustion and freezing cold.  After only a few treatments the patient was markedly warmer and felt better overall with more energy. I prescribed a personalize herbal prescription with intensive vitamin therapy.  She came for acupuncture twice a week.   She felt the best she had going into this most recent IUI but was not hopeful due to her past 4 failures.  After the IUI I gave her treatments first to help with implantation and then followed up with securing pregnancy.

 When it came time to test for pregnancy she nearly threw out the pregnancy test without looking at the stick.

But something caught her eye.

It was the bright double stripe that jumped out at her.  Still in shock she had a blood test at her Reproductive Endocrinologists office with extremely high numbers.  Twins?  Only time will tell.

Don't give up for it is at that time the tide may turn in your favor and your dreams come true.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Holiday Sadness: What to Expect When You Aren't Expecting

One of the most painful experiences of one's life is the inability to conceive or stay pregnant. Our society is not sensitive to this stressful and devastating fact that one in six couples struggle with every day.

What to expect:

During the Holidays people love to tell stories about their children. What their children are doing in school, athletic achievements and funny anecdotal stories. This is so common because everyone can relate to being a child and most people either have children of their own or can't wait to start.

How to cope: Create a one liner you can repeat in your head "I will not be childless forever". "I am doing everything I can to get pregnant now". or "I will have stories like these to share one day too"

If it gets to be too much excuse yourself to the bathroom have a good cry and then go back to the party. Also, by adding acupuncture to current in-vitro fertilization procedures increases your success by over 55% as proven in multiple studies from 2002-2008 Infertility and Sterility Medical Journal

What to expect:

To be invited to every single possible baby shower that you could imagine. Maybe even your distant second cousin removed whom you have never met.

How to cope:

Don't go. It's that simple and don't send a gift. Do not torture yourself by shopping in the baby section wishing it were for you. People tend to invite anyone and everyone to their baby showers and you don't have to go- ever again. If it is a close friend confide and tell them why. If they don't understand or think you are being childish or selfish they aren't a compassionate friend so who needs them- not you!

What to expect:

Everyone will ask you "Do you have children?" or "When are you two going to have kids?" These seemingly benign questions penetrate deep into your most vulnerable wounds.

How to cope:

Answer quickly and succinctly finding what feels best to you: "We are trying right now so hopefully very soon!" "It's out of our hands but we are trying to make it fun" or "For some couples it's not as easy but we have the best experts helping us" or if you DON'T want them to know you are trying you can say "Some day soon"

What to expect:

There are always surprise pregnancies for those not trying and somehow they seek you out like a target missile to share their forbidden secret. They thought they were too old or they were too young or unfortunately too drunk.

How to cope:

Breathe in their baby energy and joy. It's sounds corny but just by faking yourself into a happier state of mind you will actually be a happier person. If that doesn't work seek out acupuncture treatments from an acupuncturist whose expertise is fertility go to: to find someone near you. Therapists too specialize in working with couples who are having a hard time getting pregnant and be very supportive during this difficult time.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Essential Fertile Foods

Foods to increase your fertility are easy to find in your local grocery store. Essential Fatty Acids are the number one food source a woman or man should increase while trying to boost their fertility. Unsaturated fat sources are best eaten in their natural, whole, unprocessed, food form and contain the perfect balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Here is a list of foods that naturally contain unsaturated fats:


Pine Nuts




Flax Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Sesame Seeds






Brown Rice


Garbanzo Beans



It is known that the deficiency of essential fatty acids in ones diet can lead to: infertility, skin disorders such as: eczema, dry hair and nails, susceptibility to infections and varicose veins. To increase your fertility add 2 tablespoons of organic ground flax seeds to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Top your cereal with 1 Tablespoon of 3 of the following ingredients for and essential fatty acid rich breakfast : almonds, walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. For lunch replace pasta and white rice with 1 cup of Quinoa or Brown rice topped with avocado, corn and edamame beans with any of your favorite Asian inspired sauces.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Woman' Day Fertility Treatment Interview with Kristen Burris

Here is an excerpt from Womans Day Article I was interviewed for discussing:  Acupuncture for Fertility
You can find the entire article on line:
Fertility Treatments Explained - Women's Health at
It may sound surprising, but acupuncture is the latest buzz in fertility treatments. “Acupuncture has been proven for over 2,000 years to increase blood flow to reproductive organs, reduce uterine cramping, regulate hormones and induce ovulation—all of which significantly increase a woman's ability to conceive and carry a child full-term,” says Kristen Burris, LAc, MSTOM, a licensed acupuncturist in private practice in Eagle, Idaho. Acupuncture treatment may also stimulate the neurotransmitters, triggering production of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone. “This hormone controls a woman's menstrual cycle and her ability to ovulate in a timely manner,” explains Burris. “Acupuncture is known to stimulate blood flow to the uterus and increases the production of endogenous opioids, which allows the body to relax, inhibiting stress—one of the greatest known factors in infertile couples.”

Success Rate: Acupuncture, when combined with IVF procedures, has been proven to increase a woman's success by as much as 65 percent, according to a recent study in the British Medical Journal.

Cost: Acupuncture treatment is similar in cost to that of massage therapy—about $100 per treatment, on average—and may be covered by insurance.

PMDD- Do you feel crazy every month?

PMDD- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is thought to negatively affected 3-6% of women.  It is brutal to go through for both the woman and her family, co-workers and friends.  The symptoms include: bloating, uncontrollable cravings, swelling, pain, severe bleeding and emotional out-bursts including anger, frustration and crying.  Even though PMDD medically isn't directly linked to infertility, from a Chinese Medical Perspective it is related.  Any hormonal imbalance that impacts the reproductive function negatively can affect a woman's ability to conceive and or carry a baby to full term.  Typically this pattern of disharmony is the Liver overacting on the Spleen causing both physical and emotional trauma for the patients. 

What most people don't know is that acupuncture and herbal medicine, when appropriately prescribed, is a viable treatment for PMDD. Acupuncture is unable to separate the body from the mind when treating the patient therefore it addresses both the physical (bloating, pain, heavy bleeding) and the emotional turmoil (anger, frustration, crying, mood swings).

I have been treating PMDD successfully for over a decade.  If you know of someone who suffering every month be sure to educate them about their natural options so they can avoid taking unnecessary drugs or worse- getting a hysterectomy. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

65% More Likely To Become Pregnant: Here is How

Acupuncture is very effective in treating infertility for many medical reasons. Acupuncture has been proven for over 2,000 years to increase blood flow to reproductive organs, reduce uterine cramping, regulate hormones and induce ovulation; all of which significantly increases a woman's ability to conceive and carry a child full term.

Western medical science explains the efficacy of acupuncture by saying it stimulates the neurotransmitters triggering production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone. This hormone controls a woman's menstrual cycle and her ability to ovulate in a timely manner. Acupuncture is known to stimulate blood flow to the uterus and increases the production of endogenous opioids which allows the body to relax inhibiting stress, one of the greatest known factors in infertile couples.

A visit to a Licensed, Board Certified, Acupuncturist resembles that to a medical doctor. Prior to a visit the patient fills out extensive paperwork explicitly describing their health history, symptoms ranging from digestive health to mental health to reproductive history. The patient will also share family health history and any western medical problems or diseases including whether the patient has attempted procedure like IVF or IUI.

Various diagnosing skills are employed by the acupuncturist including: pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis (this is the only muscle we can see externally therefore it is thought to reflect the internal disharmony within a patients body) and abdominal palpation. We assimilate your information, make a diagnosis and treat accordingly with acupuncture, herbal medicine and supplement or dietary recommendations to increase fertility.

During a treatment patients experience a unique calm and deep relaxation from acupuncture. Once the Acupuncturist assesses your paperwork, examines your body and listens to your concerns they choose anywhere from 10 to 20 acupuncture points to treat your medical problems. You can expect hair-thin, sterile, painless, needles to be inserted on your lower arms, legs, abdomen or back. It is common for patients to fall asleep during treatment. Acupuncture shouldn't hurt, if it does tell your Acupuncturist where you feel sensitive. They should be able to lighten their technique so it's virtually pain-free. If they are unable, and you are uncomfortable, it may be time to seek help from another Acupuncturist.

Your Acupuncturists office should be professional, clean and apply strict needle technique using sterile, disposable, one-time use needles only. The thought of acupuncture can be nerve wracking but the reality is an enjoyable experience that is worth trying. Western medical science gets excited about a mere 1% increase in the effectiveness of any of their drugs or surgeries in relation to infertility. Acupuncture when combined with IVF procedures has been proven in a study to increase a woman's success by a staggering 65% Source: British Medical Journal Feb 2008. It's imperative to include acupuncture to your IVF treatment plan.

Kristen Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. is a board certified Acupuncturist and Herbalist whose expertise is infertility for women.  She was featured in Woman's Day, USA Today and Eagle Magazine in June and July of 2010.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Planting the Seed of Life

When we want to grow things we plant a seed.  Ironically this is what women and men attempting to enhance their fertility should do as well.  Seeds strengthen Kidney Jing or rather enhance fertility.  It's easy to incorporate all types of seeds into your diet.  Here are some easy and fun ideas to start today!

Black sesame seeds are potent and should be added to breads, muffins, stir frys and grilled foods

Sunflower seeds are best as a snack or on top salads

Pumpkin seeds surging with zinc should be consumed by both men and women but have proven to have a positive impact on sperm- these are best toasted lightly with sea salt and eat as an evening snack or sprinkled on squash soup

Get creative!  For more fabulous recipes with seeds buy the cookbook in our office or on-line Whole Foods Nutrition Cookbook- you will love it!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stress Results in Infertility

One of the leading causes of infertility is stress.  Add that to drinking, smoking and a poor diet your fertilty sinks to the deep abyss.  Luckily we have treatment for reducing stress that leads to other health benefits including improved fertility rates.

Replace your evening cocktail and de-stress from the job with an acupuncture session. Acupuncture not only reduces stress but increases energy, libido and improves the quality of your sleep.

A study published in the September issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia found that stimulation of the acupuncture point, Yin Tang, alleviated preoperative anxiety in children.
According to the researchers, these finding are of great clinical important due to the fact that excessive preoperative anxiety causes operative delays and heightens patients pain response.

While traditional acupuncture on Yin Tang has been proven to relieve anxiety in adults before surgery, the researchers wanted to study the efficacy of stimulating the acupuncture point with an adhesive bead which would be easier for a preoperative treatment protocol.

Source: Anesthesia & Analgesia September, 2008; 107: 811-6 Kristen Lohman Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M., Dip. Ac. Voted “Top Doc 2010” and is a nationally recognized Acupuncturist and Herbalist who has been featured in Parenting Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, National Public Radio (NPR) and KUSI TV News. Ms. Burris' expertise includes: stress reduction, women’s health, fertility, pregnancy, difficult menstrual cycles, menopausal symptoms, digestive problems, and pain. Ms. Burris has also taught acupuncture to graduate students at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She and her husband Tony Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M treat patients with acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition as natural medicine in their family-owned, private practice, American Acupuncture Center in Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Burris has treated patients at Top Fertility Centers Nationwide, San Diego Hospice, University of California in San Diego (UCSD) Integrative Clinic, and for UCSD Dental Study. Ms Burris was the creator of fertility retreats for couples and served on the board of RESOLVE, the non-profit organization supporting couples with infertility.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sexy Tips for Getting Pregnant

Trying for a baby may sound fun in the beginning but after months of failed attempts couples excitement usually wanes and feels more like a chore than an exhilarating, intimate moment.

Surprisingly I advise patients to have intercourse at times when they aren't fertile and know they can't get pregnant. It takes the emotional pressure off for once enabling couples to enjoy each other for the sex of it. This way, when they are having sex during fertile times it feels OK that it's more mechanical then sensual.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Male and Female Infertility treated with International success

Read below my response to an out of town couple struggling with low sperm count and fibroids inhibiting their ability to conceive:

Thank you for sharing your fertility struggles. When a husband and wife both receive treatment from us they are the most successful in getting pregnant. We have already had two births this year where the husbands and wives were taking supplements and herbal medicine prescribed by me and my husband, Tony Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. for infertility.

The best advice I can give you is for you to set up a phone consult with him to improve your sperm count. He has had tremendous results improving men's sperm count through diet, supplementation and herbal medicine. For your wife, she would consult with me.

Each person's reproductive pattern and assessment is individualized. A personalized diagnosis, evaluation and herbal prescription are essential for individual success. A cookie-cutter approach is not nearly as successful due to the wide variety of patterns that lead up to poor sperm count and fibroids.

Luckily our expertise includes nutritional supplementation, herbal medicine and acupuncture. For local patients they can receive acupuncture and for other patients they can use herbal medicine to improve their fertility. We have treated patients as far away as the United Kingdom. We are able to assess you from anywhere in the United States and drop ship to your home. If you are out of the U.S. we will have to do some research on shipping costs of the natural medicines that are mailed to you.

Please call us (208) 938-1277 to set up your personalized consultation. You may also visit our website listed above and for you click on "Tony's Intake" and for your wife "Kristen's In-take" and mail it to our address on our website. This way we will have all the medical information we need to assess your personal challenges with infertility before doing the phone consultation where we will gather more pertinent information. Be sure to add any relevant information that may not be asked on our questionnaire i.e.: sperm count numbers, treatments, surgeries, sizes of fibroids, etc.

I hope this information helps you. We look forward to meeting you and your wife and helping your baby dreams come true.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fertility and Hidden Household Chemicals

Many people trying to get pregnant aren't aware of the endless chemicals that bombard their bodies even in their own sanctuaries, their homes.  From toilet bowl cleaners, to dish washing soap to air fresheners it's a no wonder our bodies are chemically over loaded.  Here are some simple tips to cleaning out the chemicals in your house especially your kitchen.

A green kitchen is so simple and affordable. All you need is baking soda, vinegar and hot water and you can clean anything healthily and affordably in your kitchen. I buy both the vinegar and the baking soda in bulk at Costo and for about $10.00 and I can clean for 12 months.

For kitchen floors- use one part vinegar four parts hot water

For grout- use 3 parts vinegar, 1 part baking soda, 1 part hot water

For counters- 1/2 water, 1/2 vinegar and put it in a spray bottle.

A green home makes for a happy womb.  Even making a couple of changes could reduce your exposure by up to 50%.  Good luck going green! Kristen Lohman Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M., Dip. Ac. is a nationally recognized Acupuncturist and Herbalist who has been featured in Parenting Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, National Public Radio (NPR), KUSI TV News and was voted "Top Doc of 2010". Ms. Burris' expertise includes: natural medicine, women’s health, fertility, pregnancy, difficult menstrual cycles, menopausal symptoms, digestive problems, and pain. Ms. Burris has also taught acupuncture to graduate students at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She and her husband Tony Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M treat patients with acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition as natural medicine in their family-owned, private practice, American Acupuncture Center in Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Burris has treated patients at Top Fertility Centers Nationwide, San Diego Hospice, University of California in San Diego (UCSD) Integrative Clinic, and for UCSD Dental Study. Ms Burris was the creator of fertility retreats for couples and served on the board of RESOLVE, the non-profit organization supporting couples with infertility.

First Two Idaho Miracle Babies Born This Week

Our first two miracle babies in Idaho were born last week. Both couples were struggling heart wrenching sadness due to their infertility. They knew the negative repercussions that come with western medical interventions not to mention the astronomical cost. These two couples sought out our expertise due to our international success with infertility.

It only took a couple of months and both women were pregnant. They both have healed that deep, dark, wound of infertility as they hold their sweet baby boys. Their struggle and strife is over after only a couple of months of treatment: the wives saw me and the husbands saw my husband for treatment including acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Ironically they both gave birth to boys and weighed 7 pounds 15 oz. just this past week.

When told I should get a hysterectomy by 7 different doctors in my early twenties I knew there had to be a better way. I was dead set against a hysterectomy and was determined to save my reproductive organs so I could be a Mother some day. Once my health was restored in a mere three months it was the miraculous catalyst that propelled me to educate the world about viable, safe, and effective women's health options. Since then my husband and I have prevented countless hysterectomies and aided in the conception of hundreds of babies that never could have been without our expertise and passion to heal reproductive wounds.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Unexplained Frustrations of Infertility

Even though unexplained infertility may be one of the most frustrating diagnosis of infertility, it is the easiest aspect of infertility for an acupuncturist and herbalist to treat. The reason being is we have no physical obstructions to contend with during treatment. The disharmony that is happening in either you or your husband, or perhaps both, should be simple to re-adjust with some acupuncture and herbal medicine.

To increase your success and speed in which you become pregnant both you and your husband should seek out treatment from an acupuncturist and herbalist whose expertise is infertility. My husband and I practice together and he sees all of the husbands and I treat the wives. This way each sex feels more comfortable talking about personal health history like: "what color is your menstrual blood" and so on and so forth. When a couple is experiencing unexplained infertility the focus tends to inexplicably on the woman. This can inhibit your conception because it could in fact be a deficiency in your husband that isn't being picked up on laboratory tests. Our medicine picks up on imbalance that are more subtle. Western medical tests pick up on obvious imbalances within the body.

Some basic tests including: hsg to see if your tubes are blocked or checking your thyroid to see if you have hypo-thyroidism should be done as soon as possible if you have been trying for longer than a year. However, it is not necessary to have these tests done prior to seeing an acupuncturist and herbalist but the more information you have offer the better.

Good luck!