Friday, April 24, 2015

Diappearing Act: When Getting Pregnant Is Just Too Painful

Once is sometimes enough.
Even studies have proven hundreds of fertility cases that acupuncture during embryo transfers increase take home, healthy, baby rate success by 50-65%.  

This was different but just as miraculous.
Eagle Acupuncture Fertility Expert received this message that touched our hearts so deeply:
“Hi Kristen, I have pondered sending a letter to your office, or calling, or messaging and just now got the courage. This is probably out of the blue- but going with my heart and gut here!"...

                              Listen To Your Gut

"...I came to your office last spring to seek out fertility help. I was in the midst of a clomid/hcg/progesterone set with (my)  Dr..  I have PCOS and we tried for about 2 years when I started seeing him December of 2013. I had heard about you on Mix106 oddly and said "what the heck?"…

                               Be Courageous

(She actually decided to pick up the phone at this point and call into the radio show.  She got through and she asked Kristen Burris, M.S.T.O.M. the all natural fertility expert featured on the show “Ask A Smart Person” Then she called our office to schedule her personal fertility assessment with acupuncture, herbal medicine and vitamin therapy.  This is what patients around the world can do.  Schedule a consult over the phone and change their lives forever)

“…. Doing medical treatment was so against my nature, I had always had faith in natural things, but after about 6 months of diets/exercise and some supplement (of my own poor research), I wanted more.”

“…When I came to you, I only had one treatment but felt at ease and that good things were to come. Then before my next appointment, I found out I was pregnant. I hadn't even taken Clomid that cycle and was just on progesterone to get my period to start over. I was a mess- emotionally and physically.”

                            The Surprising Reaction

“Even though I was beside myself excited, I pulled back from friends, family etc. So I didn't come back. I did call to cancel my next appointment, and just didn't know where to go. I say all of this, because my heart tells me that YOU had a huge part in me getting pregnant. Whether the peace it brought made it happen, whether the treatment and supplements you gave me made it happen, or whether God did- I don't know, but you have held a special place in my heart and my journey.

So I apologize for not coming back, for falling off the map and all of that- but I thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I am proud to say that my miracles (twins) Hazel & Houston were born 12-23-14. I am so blessed.."

Natural Fertility Treatments Are No Longer a Last Option Rather A First Choice

"...We will most definitely try again someday, probably in 2 years- and YOU will be my first stop for treatment. I hope this is not too weird- but my instinct told me to reach out, and thank you. Love, Sarah Perkins”

                                                    The Pain Runs Deep

So much suffering and pain comes with infertility. You'd be surprised how many of our patients only see us once or for a month or exclusively use only our herbal prescription with vitamin therapy and omit the acupuncture aspect. More patients than you would suspect fall off the face of the Earth.  When we first started practicing 15 years ago we just couldn’t understand.  Now we do.  The pain is too deep.  Even in celebrating their first ever pregnancy, they need to retreat, hide their heart, go into a certain form of denial, stamp down their fears and hold their breath until they actually get to hold their precious babies in their arms.
In our practice we encourage patients to continue care once they are pregnant.  We can medically reduce the likelihood of miscarriage but also address not only physical symptoms that may be uncomfortable or down right debilitating but also soothe the emotional side of the infertile who has bloomed into the fertile.  Who was shattered by the grief and tenderly protecting the child or children in her womb and her own child that resides in her heart.

Sometimes, however rare, we never get to hold their babies, nor receive photos or a Christmas card to put in an inspiring book to help other women and men struggling with infertility.  Why?  It's too painful  because of all the suffering. Each person must find their own way. We respect each person and the way they need to process, even the good stuff. Just this month we found out that a patient of ours got pregnant with twins! She didn't tell us,  until now, the month of April and she got pregnant in OCTOBER.   She is now in our care again but she just needed time away to heal.  Sometimes it's just too hard, and we understand that even the good can be painful. 

Another patient, years ago, who was having suicidal feelings disappeared only to return a year later with twins in our office.  Astounded we hugged and she shared.  In desperation, she had changed her opinion about never, ever pursuing IVF and she and her husband decided to adopt two embryos, from two different families.   Low and behold all that acupuncture and herbal medicine and vitamin therapy had prepared her womb beautifully: their first IVF attempt and they were pregnant.  She saved two babies lives in choosing that route and healed her deep, sad, grief. 

Those of you who are reading this thinking ONE time?  She only needed ONE time?  Do not compare your treatment, your body, nor your baby’s life to another. Each of our births are exceptionally different and sacred just as our conceptions are too. Remember, she was also taking herbal medicine and vitamin therapy too.  Many studies only follow one acupuncture treatment and how it affects other fertility treatments significantly.

Some couples even with the most severe cases respond to natural fertility treatments even after failed IVF’s.  Some couples have success on their first try and others, have been reported as having as many as 22 failed IVF attempts before finally getting pregnant.

There is always hope and for this couple, the mother’s instincts were spot on.   Once was definitely enough for these precious babies to finally come home.  


                    Houston and Hazel on their Proud Mama's Lap

Eagle Acupuncture is a premier, all natural, fertility center that takes some of the most challenging infertility cases in the world.  Phone consultations available for female infertility, male infertility and unexplained infertility.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

When In Doubt, Have Him Pee On It

After 5 years of trying unsuccessfully for a baby, you kind of lose faith that not only your body is broken or that your husband's is broken but then you start thinking "or maybe, it's the test?" Is it too old?  Is it expired?  Can this really be right?

You take the test and it shows TWO Lines so you take another one, then another one.  Then you go to the store and buy a new one, thinking maybe the old one is broken and not reading your hormone levels correctly?

I always tell my patients, who are faced with the disbelief in either a positive OPK (ovulation predictor kit) or a positive pregnancy to relax, enjoy it and celebrate the confirmation your body is more fertile.  When they still doubt me, I say: "have your husband pee on it" and they usually do.

That always gets a laugh and then I see their facial expression change and I can read what they are thinking....they are going to have their husband do that right away when they get home to confirm what they know in their heart:  it worked, the test was not wrong, it's just so hard to remain hopeful. It's easier, to not believe so the disappointment isn't so overwhelmingly painful. 

After years of infertility with annovulation (no ovulation)  or very rare ovulation due to a variety of reasons, it's almost as exciting to get a positive OPK or LH surge as it is to get a positive pregnancy test, almost.  Both, create a feeling of disbelief and results in many test being taken for extra confirmation.

A new patient started treatment with us only 2 months ago.  She and her husband have been battling infertility for over 5 years.  She had seen a reproductive endocrinologist but no testing was done to see if the patient has PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome).  Instead it was suggested she use Clomid, a potent and rather intense fertility drug with intercourse. These treatments did not result in a baby.

Instead, we proceeded to treat her anovulation that is identical to a PCOS pattern in MS-TCM (multiple systems traditional Chinese medicine) to initiate her body's own ability to ovulate.  The ovulation test strips confirmed it, she is ovulating all on her own.  For the first time in over a year, they have an opportunity to get pregnant this month.  It's a very exciting time with hesitation in their hearts too.

It's critical to honor the positives.  Honor all of them: the positive moods, the positive day, the positive moment, the positive LH surge,  the positive date with your husband, the positive laughter, the positive results with acupuncture and herbal medicine, the positive signs that you are getting fertile. Eventually all the the negatives will melt away, but for now, see, breathe laugh about all the positives.

Eagle Acupuncture has a specialized fertility program that addresses female infertility, recurrent miscarriage, male infertility and unexplained infertility. (208) 938-1277

Friday, April 17, 2015

8 Failed IVF Treatments Is a Heavy Burden to Bare

 After their 7th Failed IVF, They Decided to Try Something New

A patient came to us for our fertility expertise and advice after 7 failed IVF (In-vitro fertilization) attempts. In her initial visit, upon reviewing her history and the testing they had done over the last several years, we asked if she had talked to her doctor about the possibility of a blood clotting disorder? Or the more subtle possibility of a disturbed blood flow to her endometrium and the placenta causing repeated implantation failure? She had not heard of this before. She had not discussed this with her reproductive endocrinologist before. 

She was traveling out of state for her 8th IVF and we urged her, before her next transfer of her embryos, to have this conversation with her RE (reproductive endocrinologist, or rather, her fertility doctor). We also welcomed them to call us to discuss the case together. We did not hear from them.

Studies have proven that just by adding acupuncture to an IVF round, the take home baby rate increased by 50-62.5%.  Other studies also proved that by first seeking the fertility expertise with multiple systems and traditional chinese medicine (including: acupuncture, prescribed tcm herbal medicine by a trained chinese herbalist and acupuncturist (not the practitioners race, but type of medicine), vitamin therapy, heat therapy, lifestyle modification and dietary changes (like the fertility program individually prescribe for our patients) there is also a 50% increase in a healthy baby with IVF.

Their plan B, after 7 failed IVF attempts, was looking a lot brighter.

We explained to her that repeated implantation failure is common. In many fertility centers we have worked closely without throughout the Untied States they will check for this after either 3 miscarriages or 3 failed IVF attempts. The testing is non-invasive, a fraction of the cost of another IVF and the treatment is simple: heparin for thinning her blood for several months.

We treated her according to her pattern, which included blood stagnation to thin her blood. We recommended before continuing, she needed a fertility cleanse and intensive supplementation and acupuncture treatments twice a week, minimally.

She had her transfer in conjunction with our fertility program and she got pregnant with twin girls.
However, sadly, she had miscarried at 8 weeks. The baby girls were healthy.

8 Failed IVF treatments and miscarriages are a heavy burden to bare.

When she returned, months later, we discussed how she was doing emotionally. What she and her husband wanted to do next? She said they were heading into their 9th IVF soon.

We asked again, any consideration of testing for a blood clotting disorder before this IVF? She responded, Oh yes, they finally tested that and I do show some signs so we are proceeding with IVF, your fertility program for 2 months prior, acupuncture and Heparin this 9th IVF round.
I asked her if she understood why she will be taking Heparin and she said no. I explained to her that sometimes, we have microscopic blood clotting that easily passes through our veins and arteries. However, when we are working with teeny tiny babies, just a few cells, these very minute blood clots can inhibit the ability of blood flow to her uterus and to the placenta. The placenta nourishes the baby or babies and enables them not only to grow, but to live. If the clots, however small, congest this precious connection, it can cut off nutrients the babies need and they die.

This will only be her second IVF while working with us. The first one was a success, initially, however, they missed a critical factor that most likely caused her miscarriage. Thankfully the testing has now been completed, confirmed and will be treated. It is rare we must say this but we pray that the 9th time is the charm for this lovely couple.

For over 15 years we have taken some of the most challenging fertility cases throughout the world.  No matter where you are, we are available for a fertility consultation.  Please call our office to schedule your personalized program with us. (208) 938-1277

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Worth Their "Wait" in Gold

 Three Years of No Pregnancy and 5 Failed IUI's

Three years they had been trying before they found our fertility center at Eagle Acupuncture.  5 Failed IUI's (intra-uterine inseminations) with Clomid 3 failed with their OBGYN and 2 failed with their RE, Reproductive Endocrinologist.  She found our fertility center through a very old school way.  Word of mouth.  Her Mother had heard about us from a friend.  She encouraged her daughter to seek our medical advise and we are so grateful she did.

 Stepping Outside of the Box for a very old but undiscovered form of Infertility Treatments

Before trying IVF (in-vitro fertilization),  as her doctors had recommended, she wanted to try a natural approach to hopefully get pregnant and if not, prepare for IVF.  Both she and her husband fell under the ever frustrating diagnosis of  unexplained infertility.  Her disposition couldn't have been sweeter and for as long as they were trying she never showed any anger or resentment, just disappointment and the occasional sadness.

When she arrived she was showing definite TCM patterns relating to being not fertile enough.  We really try not to view our patients as infertile but rather, not quite as fertile as they need to be to conceive and carry a baby right in this moment.  Her signs impeding her fertility included: Cold in her uterus and lots of it.  She had cold hands and feet and it was so severe she even had her own extra, personal heater at work.  This cold was lodged in her abdomen, we could feel the cold coming from her uterus simply by placing our hand over her lower abdomen.  The cold was coagulating her blood causing severe pain and clots during her cycle.

This is a very common medical pattern we see in traditional chinese medicine, especially in younger patients.  She was only 24  but hadn't had a single pregnancy in over 3 years.  This particular patient had to drive hours, each way, to our fertility center.  She was determined and was quite regular with her weekly and bi-monthly appointments. She was compliant with her daily doses of sophisticated herbal prescriptions we made for her and diligent taking the vitamins we suggested too.  For this patient we also suggested going gluten free. 

How She Became Fertile

Quite rapidly her body started to change and become more fertile.  After six months of treatment she went from severe menstrual pain to mild pain, which she gladly welcomed.  Her blood flow improved as well changing color from purple and brown to more pink and red, this too was showing improved signs for fertility.  Her clots started to break apart and diminish.  Finally she was fertile with a warm low abdomen, virtually no pain with her menstruation, no PMS symptoms and regular ovulation.  She was ready.

After a year of preparing her beautiful body, she was physically, emotionally and financially ready to try IVF. She and her husband chose an out of state IVF clinic for a variety of reasons.  The timing couldn't have been better.  Most couples average 3 attempts at IVF before taking home one live baby.  I encouraged her to pursue this option because her body was ready to get pregnant,  now more than ever.

The Integrative Approach for Fertility

They drove out of state to see their RE and start egg retrieval surgery and embryo transfer.  They stayed in town for awhile and her body responded beautifully to all the drugs and surgery too. One try with IVF and they were successfully pregnant.  Not only did they get pregnant on their first attempt, but they got pregnant with twins.  Not only were they twins, but they got one boy and one girl.  They couldn't have been happier to finally be parents to these two precious babies.  Even now, months later, the twins sleep holding hands, a precious sight for any parent, especially those who waited almost 1/2 a decade to meet their sweet dreams come true.

Unprecedented Statistics for Natural Fertility Treatments

Just this month a new study came out proving exactly what this couple experienced.  By using MS-TCM multi-system traditional chinese medicine out of 1200 people patients were 50% more likely to have a live baby after only one IVF compared to choosing to do IVF alone.

50% increase not just for a positive pregnancy, but a live miracle baby.

50% increase is astounding that is worth every visit to prepare your body before attempting IVF.

 The Twins!  Photographed in John Dear Outfits: Pink for their Daughter and Green for their Son

                 Brother and Sister Snuggling in Bed and Holding Hands Too Precious for Words
                       A beautiful image of these twins captured shortly after they were born

After years of failed infertility treatments patients often will try medicine that is outside the norm of society so they can become more fertile.  Times are changing however, with education and exposure, patients are often choosing the less invasive, safer, more effective, natural, fertility treatments first, not as their last resort.  Miscarriage rates are far lower.  The health and quality of the babies is far superior.  The medical costs are astronomically less and the success rates impressively higher.

If you haven't yet, call for your consultation at Eagle Acupuncture (208) 938-1277.  We take some of the most complicated male and female infertility cases in the world. 

Another study has proven that using TCM, traditional chinese medicine, patients are twice as likely in 1/3 of the time to get pregnant and have a live baby compared to patients who chose to use fertility drugs and even IVF. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

18 and Infertile

Can that be?  Wait, what did you say?  18 and infertile? Age isn't always a factor when considering infertility, although you will read a lot about age and how it does affect fertility.  Most women, irregardless of their actual age or factual information about their fertility, feel like a ticking time bomb, where every day is one step closer to death or worse yet, one step closer to never having a baby.

A new patient arrived at Eagle Acupuncture after doing her own research about what she could be doing to get pregnant. Several doctors and a midwife too, had never thought to refer her directly to our fertility center.  They sort of well, in the patients words, blew her off, over and over.  Telling her she is young. Don't will happen.  Try again.   In 4 years, relatively little fertility testing was done for this patient.

She had 2 known miscarriages that simply devastated her, understandably.  One miscarriage was very early but incredibly intense with a lot of bleeding and pain.  She thinks she was only 5 weeks pregnant.  The other miscarriage took much longer.  On her 12th week appointment they so devastatingly discovered their baby had died at 9 weeks.  Her complete miscarriage continued for 2 more weeks and at 14 weeks pregnant, it was all over.  

6 more months passed with no pregnancy.

Finally, she asked her midwife about acupuncture and her response was YES! Of course! We love acupuncture.  The patient, however, had to do her own research to find the expert whose approach to infertility was not surgery nor fertility drugs and her approach to miscarriage was not a prescription for hormones.  It was different, but extremely effective.

When she walked in the door I thought she might very well be the youngest infertility patient I had ever treated.  But at 22, with over 4 years of infertility and 2 miscarriages, I took her case very seriously just as I do with all of my infertility and miscarriage cases.

She hadn't had a lot of testing done in 4 years. Ever since her last miscarriage in July 2014, it was now December, she had very irregular cycles, painful menstruation,  scanty or missing cervical fluid.  Her hypo-thyroidism was being treated with Armour. She suffered from painful ovarian cysts, PMS with insomnia, sore breasts and dark menstrual blood during her cycle.  She was prone to yeast infections and candida overgrowth.  She wasn't ovulating every month and when she did, she had a short luteal phase; this is the time between ovulation and menstruation.  In order to hold a baby appropriately, a woman needs 14 days for her luteal phase.  She was getting sick, a lot, and no one was paying attention to that either. She was concerned.

I suspected PCOS was part of the problem, and it had never really been diagnosed. I wanted it ruled in or out even though I knew she had ovulatory problems.  It was confirmed.  

She had PCOS.   

I also was gravely concerned that after 4 years of infertility, no semen analysis had ever been recommended.  I suggested that immediately for her husband. 

Her progesterone had never been tested either.  I wanted it to be checked too.
Vitamin D, which some studies have shown women with low values are more prone to miscarriage was another missing blood test.  This was something I felt critical we check.

Her progesterone was very low.

Her Vitamin D was low too.

Now, after 4 years of infertility, yet, only weeks with our fertility program, she was finally getting some answers. 

I prescribed herbal medicine, dietary changes, heat therapy, e-stim, acupuncture twice a week and vitamin therapy, including vitamin D and progesterone cream.  

After one month of treatment her cycle improved significantly, the color was no longer dark but instead she shed a nice bright, healthy, red.  Her cervical fluid was becoming egg-like and stringy; the perfect transport for her husbands' semen. She was becoming fertile.  Her luteal phase became longer as I strengthened what we call Kidney Yang Deficiency in MS-TCM (multi-system traditional chinese medicine) and she was  hopeful.  

Her anxiety was lowering, her sadness was slowly going away.  Her grief was healing.  She and her husband also decided to do a ritual to honor the children they had lost.  They used a balloon to represent their babies and let it go up into the air until they no longer could see the balloon.  This was very moving and healing for both of them. 

3 months in to her fertility treatments at Eagle Acupuncture her husband's semen analysis came back. His sperm was dieing.  The nurse told her, that her husband's semen was too thick, was dieing before it could ever possibly get close to fertilizing her egg and she had no other option other than IUI or eventually IVF.

The patient thanked her and immediately contacted us.  We told her you have options.  Yes, you can pursue IUI (intra-uterine insemmination and washing of his sperm) or IVF (in-vitro fertilization) or we can treat that with some minor changes.  We gave them some suggestions on thinning his sperm and that cycle, the one where they were told they could never get pregnant; the one they thought their only option was IUI or IVF,  is when they conceived all on their own with a natural infertility program at Eagle Acupuncture.

Never assume you are too young, or too old.  Each case is different and has multiple factors influencing the ability to get or stay pregnant.   Many couples despair when they hear that our center is not within driving distance from their home.  Many of our successes come from patients who do consultations with us over the phone.  Some are using our completely natural approach to infertility.  Other couples who know they will eventually do IVF seek our expertise 3-9 prior to IVF to prepare their bodies for optimal results.  We treat both female and male infertility factor and unexplained infertility in both partners.

Studies that analyzed over 1200 infertility cases proved that by utilizing this MS-TCM fertility program prior to IVF increase live baby rates by 50%.  50% is a huge increase.  It saves the couples from lost money and reduced their heartache.  

If you are reading this, it may be time to try something different.  Call us for your consult and fertility program personalized and tailored to your body and personal history (208)938-1277.

Pictured Here An Actual Miracle Baby from our Infertility Program 
At Eagle Acupuncture in Eagle, Idaho 
This Baby is unique, as they all are, but in more than one way.  She was born to a mother who had an identical twin.  Both identical twins were struggling with infertility.  This baby's mother sought our treatment yet, her twin sister did not, at least not yet.  Once this precious miracle was born, the twin sister, sought our expertise too and not very long after she too was pregnant and gave birth.

Eagle Acupuncture Fertility Center Eagle, Idaho
128 S Eagle Road #220 Eagle, Idaho 83616
(208) 938-1277

Guess Who's Pregnant?

"Guess who's pregnant?" was how Karen, our personal assistant,  greeted me as I walked in the door at Eagle Acupuncture​ today.  Speechless, and searching my patients in my head,  she blurted out which patient was pregnant.  I said "Pull her chart! I'm almost positive I wrote Pregnant on her chart Thursday because I had a feeling".  YES, indeed, I had written it down!  So exciting that she is indeed pregnant. 

This sweet patient started trying for a baby 1 year 8 months ago.  After 6 months of trying, they were finally pregnant.  Not unusually slow to get pregnant but not as fast as they had hoped, of course. But their happiness quickly faded.  Sadly, our patient had a miscarriage a year ago.  She miscarried at 9 weeks, however, her precious child measured only 5 weeks.  She and her husband decided they needed some fertility treatments.

 She made an appointment with her OBGYN and they immediately suggested the fertility drug, Clomid and intercourse at home.  That treatment failed, two months in a row. 

Unfortunately that wasn't the only bad thing that happened.   For 7 entire months after her fertility treatments with Clomid her ovaries went into shock and the patient never got a positive OPK (ovulation detected on ovulation predictor kit). 

A semen analysis had yet to be done so I recommended they get one as soon as possible.    I also suggested ruling out PCOS by her doctor  (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).  The patient had a confirmed diagnosis of Hypothyroidism that can contribute to infertility and increase risk for miscarriage.  She also had low progesterone levels that can contribute to anovulation and increased risk for miscarriage as well.  She also reported moderate dysmennorhea (menstrual pain) during menstruation.  Endometriosis has never been suspected, nor tested, but I could see clearly she had blood stagnation that was impeding her fertility.  This blood stasis is more subtle than a blood clotting disorder, that is not tested by an OBGYN or an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist); it can only be diagnosed by a fertility specialist who uses Multiple System Traditional Chinese Medicine.  The patient believed they had ruled out the more severe blood stasis called a blood clotting disorder.  None-the-less, from a chinese medical perspective, she had blood stasis that had to be addressed in order to improve her fertility and decrease her miscarriage rate.

When she went to her OB's office to rule out PCOS, for the treatment principle can change in traditional chinese medicine, with new information regarding a patients western medical treatment.  her P.A. asked her why she cared about a diagnosis as to why she wasn't ovulating?  The PA had said something to the effect that they would check for her and that is was her money she was spending but she didn't understand why the patient, and I, would like to get to the root cause of her anovulation.  She felt uncomfortable but insisted that she be checked. 

For us, root causes are critical to treat infertility.  Yes, we can see patterns and diagnose by looking, questioning, family history, and even feeling.  But knowledge is power.  Knowledge also helps me assimilate her western medical diagnosis with her eastern medical diagnosis and I can treat more efficiently and more effectively.  If we ignore tests or questioning, we may miss a huge contributing factor in often times, complex infertility cases.

One month after treatment of Multi-System Traditional Chinese Medicine fertility program at Eagle Acupuncture, the 28 year year old patient, who had been going through infertility for 1 1/2 years, went from having profuse discharge to 2 days of cervical fluid and got her first positive OPK in 8 months.  Her second cycle she reported that her latest period was "weird".  When I inquired further she said, well, I had significantly decreased clots, only one the size of a squashed grape, the color of blood was bright red, and virtually no pain. I told her this is not weird, this is healthy!  I let her know she was showing signs that she was significantly more fertile.  This was good. She felt reassured and a little more hopeful but she still had her doubts.

A semen analysis confirmed sperm quality, quantity and morphology was all within normal ranges.

Interestingly, the patient got another positive OPK on the same days this month as last, Day 19-20.  This is common with women whom have ovulatory problems.  They rarely ovulate during the typical ovulatory window of Day 12-17.   She was also tracking her temperature and it had spiked but it started to drop.  We see in our practice that temperature tracking, however helpful, can often be wrong.  We also advise our patients if they use temperature readings as part of their fertility, ovulation and pregnancy prediction that they consider this as only one of many ways of checking for ovulation and for predicting pregnancy. 

Day 26 the patient reported she was feeling crampy.  She was concerned she was getting her period.  I suspected she was pregnant and she was feeling first implantation of her baby and then the growing of her uterus and ligaments.  If she were to have her period we would have to start tracking to see if addition to Low Progesterone, Anovulation from PCOS and Hypo-thyroidism, the patient may also have a luteal phase defect.

The treatments worked.  Our comprehensive fertility program enabled her to ovulate twice in a row and the patient is now pregnant.  Her treatment plan does not stop here.  She will continue on with our treatments to prevent miscarriage.  Due to her history of miscarriage, last year, she will continue with acupuncture twice a week until she is 14 weeks pregnant.  This helps her baby establish a strong hold and gets them both past the first trimester.

Eagle Acupuncture takes some of the most difficult cases for infertility around the world.  Our experts are available for phone consultations.  Call our office staff to have your fertility treatment assessed by our experts.  (208) 938-1277

                            Kristen N Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M.  Women's Health & Fertility Expert
 Ms. Burris or "The BABY MAKER" is pictured here holding another miracle baby from her practice.  The parents of this precious girl were told you have less than 1% chance of ever having your own child.