Once is sometimes enough.
Even studies have proven hundreds of fertility cases that
acupuncture during embryo transfers increase take home, healthy, baby rate success
by 50-65%.
This was different but just as miraculous.
Eagle Acupuncture Fertility Expert received this message
that touched our hearts so deeply:
“Hi Kristen, I have pondered sending
a letter to your office, or calling, or messaging and just now got the courage.
This is probably out of the blue- but going with my heart and gut here!"...
Listen To Your Gut
"...I came to your office last spring to
seek out fertility help. I was in the midst of a clomid/hcg/progesterone set
with (my) Dr.. I have PCOS and we tried for about 2 years
when I started seeing him December of 2013. I had heard about you on Mix106
oddly and said "what the heck?"…
Be Courageous
(She actually decided to pick up the
phone at this point and call into the radio show. She got through and she asked Kristen Burris,
L.ac. M.S.T.O.M. the all natural fertility expert featured on the show “Ask A
Smart Person” Then she called our office to schedule her personal fertility
assessment with acupuncture, herbal medicine and vitamin therapy. This is what patients around the world can
do. Schedule a consult over the phone
and change their lives forever)
“…. Doing medical treatment was so
against my nature, I had always had faith in natural things, but after about 6
months of diets/exercise and some supplement (of my own poor research), I
wanted more.”
“…When I came to you, I only had one
treatment but felt at ease and that good things were to come. Then before my
next appointment, I found out I was pregnant. I hadn't even taken Clomid that
cycle and was just on progesterone to get my period to start over. I was a mess-
emotionally and physically.”
The Surprising Reaction
“Even though I was beside myself
excited, I pulled back from friends, family etc. So I didn't come back. I did
call to cancel my next appointment, and just didn't know where to go. I say all
of this, because my heart tells me that YOU had a huge part in me getting
pregnant. Whether the peace it brought made it happen, whether the treatment
and supplements you gave me made it happen, or whether God did- I don't know,
but you have held a special place in my heart and my journey.
So I apologize for not coming back,
for falling off the map and all of that- but I thank you, from the bottom of my
heart. I am proud to say that my miracles (twins) Hazel & Houston were born
12-23-14. I am so blessed.."
Natural Fertility Treatments Are No Longer a Last Option Rather A First Choice
"...We will most definitely try again
someday, probably in 2 years- and YOU will be my first stop for treatment. I
hope this is not too weird- but my instinct told me to reach out, and thank
you. Love, Sarah Perkins”
The Pain Runs Deep
So much suffering and pain comes
with infertility. You'd be surprised how many of our patients only see us once
or for a month or exclusively use only our herbal prescription with vitamin therapy
and omit the acupuncture aspect. More patients than you would suspect fall off
the face of the Earth. When we first
started practicing 15 years ago we just couldn’t understand. Now we do.
The pain is too deep. Even in
celebrating their first ever pregnancy, they need to retreat, hide their heart,
go into a certain form of denial, stamp down their fears and hold their breath
until they actually get to hold their precious babies in their arms.
In our practice we encourage
patients to continue care once they are pregnant. We can medically reduce the likelihood of miscarriage but also address not only physical symptoms
that may be uncomfortable or down right debilitating but also soothe the
emotional side of the infertile who has bloomed into the fertile. Who was shattered by the grief and tenderly
protecting the child or children in her womb and her own child that resides in
her heart.
Sometimes, however rare, we never get
to hold their babies, nor receive photos or a Christmas card to put in an
inspiring book to help other women and men struggling with infertility. Why? It's too painful because of all the suffering. Each
person must find their own way. We respect each person and the way they need to
process, even the good stuff. Just this month we found out that a patient of ours
got pregnant with twins! She didn't tell us, until now, the month of April and she got
pregnant in OCTOBER. She is now in our
care again but she just needed time away to heal. Sometimes it's just
too hard, and we understand that even the good can be painful.
Another patient, years ago,
who was having suicidal feelings disappeared only to return a year later with
twins in our office. Astounded we hugged
and she shared. In desperation, she had
changed her opinion about never, ever pursuing IVF and she and her husband decided to adopt two
embryos, from two different families. Low and behold all that acupuncture
and herbal medicine and vitamin therapy had prepared her womb beautifully: their first IVF attempt and they were pregnant. She saved two babies lives in choosing that
route and healed her deep, sad, grief.
Those of you who are reading this
thinking ONE time? She only needed ONE
time? Do not compare your treatment,
your body, nor your baby’s life to another. Each of our births are
exceptionally different and sacred just as our conceptions are too. Remember, she was also taking herbal medicine and vitamin therapy too. Many studies only follow one acupuncture treatment and how it affects other fertility treatments significantly.
couples even with the most severe cases respond to natural fertility treatments
even after failed IVF’s. Some couples have success
on their first try and others, have been reported as having as many as 22
failed IVF attempts before finally getting pregnant.
There is
always hope and for this couple, the mother’s instincts were spot on. Once was definitely enough for these precious babies to finally come home.
Houston and Hazel on their Proud Mama's Lap
Eagle Acupuncture is a premier, all natural, fertility center that takes some of the most challenging infertility cases in the world. Phone consultations available for female infertility, male infertility and unexplained infertility. www.EagleAcupuncture.com