Thursday, April 23, 2015

When In Doubt, Have Him Pee On It

After 5 years of trying unsuccessfully for a baby, you kind of lose faith that not only your body is broken or that your husband's is broken but then you start thinking "or maybe, it's the test?" Is it too old?  Is it expired?  Can this really be right?

You take the test and it shows TWO Lines so you take another one, then another one.  Then you go to the store and buy a new one, thinking maybe the old one is broken and not reading your hormone levels correctly?

I always tell my patients, who are faced with the disbelief in either a positive OPK (ovulation predictor kit) or a positive pregnancy to relax, enjoy it and celebrate the confirmation your body is more fertile.  When they still doubt me, I say: "have your husband pee on it" and they usually do.

That always gets a laugh and then I see their facial expression change and I can read what they are thinking....they are going to have their husband do that right away when they get home to confirm what they know in their heart:  it worked, the test was not wrong, it's just so hard to remain hopeful. It's easier, to not believe so the disappointment isn't so overwhelmingly painful. 

After years of infertility with annovulation (no ovulation)  or very rare ovulation due to a variety of reasons, it's almost as exciting to get a positive OPK or LH surge as it is to get a positive pregnancy test, almost.  Both, create a feeling of disbelief and results in many test being taken for extra confirmation.

A new patient started treatment with us only 2 months ago.  She and her husband have been battling infertility for over 5 years.  She had seen a reproductive endocrinologist but no testing was done to see if the patient has PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome).  Instead it was suggested she use Clomid, a potent and rather intense fertility drug with intercourse. These treatments did not result in a baby.

Instead, we proceeded to treat her anovulation that is identical to a PCOS pattern in MS-TCM (multiple systems traditional Chinese medicine) to initiate her body's own ability to ovulate.  The ovulation test strips confirmed it, she is ovulating all on her own.  For the first time in over a year, they have an opportunity to get pregnant this month.  It's a very exciting time with hesitation in their hearts too.

It's critical to honor the positives.  Honor all of them: the positive moods, the positive day, the positive moment, the positive LH surge,  the positive date with your husband, the positive laughter, the positive results with acupuncture and herbal medicine, the positive signs that you are getting fertile. Eventually all the the negatives will melt away, but for now, see, breathe laugh about all the positives.

Eagle Acupuncture has a specialized fertility program that addresses female infertility, recurrent miscarriage, male infertility and unexplained infertility. (208) 938-1277

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